We all win with Hydroponics!

“Lettuce” learn about hydroponics

Hydroponic farming is a creative way of farming that is healthy for our bodies and for our planet! And it’s happening right here in Michigan.

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Watch the video & test your knowledge!

Learn more about hydroponic farming by watching the video. Then, take the short quiz after the video to see what you’ve learned. And remember, the school with the most kids who watch the video and take the quiz will win a hydroponic growing kit!

Get Started Now!

Win a Hydroponics Kit for your class!

We’re giving away a hydroponic growing kit to the school with the most kids who watch the video and take the quiz. It’s that easy!

Read the rules here.

Mascot naming contest!

Our hydroponic-loving robot needs a name, so we’re having a naming contest! The winner will get a hydroponic kit for their home and more!